keep smile..^_^

hai semua ekspresika hidupmu di sini!!!!

Rabu, 21 November 2012

Styles / Format of Business Letter

busines latters in the United States, use four common letter formats. Variations differ for other countries such as the date is composed in another style. All proper business letter formats are acceptable but the block is more common.

      1.     Full Block Style
        The full block busiiness letter layout is the easiest to format. Here everything starts at the left margin, in the fact that to tabs are needded. This style is efficient ad businesslike. No wonder it has become so popolar setting up a block style letter is quite simple, since every line starts flush with the left margin. 

2. Block Style
setting up a block style is quite simple, since every line starts flush with the left margin

To format a bussiness letter in block style
  * Type all lines beginning e th left margin.
  * Center the letter vertically, then type the date.
  * After the date, press enter 4 imes and type the inside address. Leave 1 space betwen the state and the ZIP code.
  * After the inside address, press enter 2 times and type the salutions.
  * Press enter 2 times and begin the body of the letter.
  * Single-space the body, but pres enter 2 times betwen paragraphs.
  * After the last pargraph, press enter 2 times and typ the complimentary closig.
  * Pres Enter 4 times and type the writer's name and address.

3.      Semi Block Style
Fully-Blocked Style, Modified Block Style and Simplified Style are widely used these days among the business houses. Fully-Indented Style, Semi-Indented Style and Hanging-Indented Style are not extensively used. But all can be used by all. There is no restriction in using one style over others. It is only you who should decide which should be the best for you to bring the desired results.  

4.   . Idented Style
On the first line at the beginning of each paragraph starts with a few spaces from the left side, the distance is usually 1 cm spacing. the writing inside the address and signature section is done identasi. The magnitude of the identasi on each line is directly proportional to the order line. For example the first line does not do identasi, on the second row done identasi 0, 5 cm, in the third line is also done identasi 1 cm, etc. On the first line of every paragraph begins a few spaces from the left side. Usually 1 cm spacing distance from the left border.

5.     Simplified
Simple shapes (Simplified Style) is a form letter that is almost similar to the shape Straight Full but only without any greeting and closing greting. Usually this letter goes to the people who were working at the company. Sometimes the simple form of the letter writing is very simple without regard neatness and regularity.

6.     Hanging Idented Style
Usually the business letters are written on the letter head of the company. In case you have to write your letter in a white paper, please write your address before you start writing your letter. There are few people who suggest writing the sender’s address just below the date. This is also acceptable. There is not strict rule to suggest what is best for you. Let your sense of business judgment rule. 

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